
I remember seeing Fugazi in early 2002 .

Its possible.

I hope so since Trumps gonna make Nixon look like JFK.

I wish that was a joke.

“Have you heard of ‘Blackula’ the Black vampire? Well, theres also a Jewish vampire. His name is Sydney Applebaum.”

She’ll probably be the first female President.

Taylor and the rest of her friends look like they fuck with their bras on.

Uh huh.

I love to see a couple of heavyweight intellects battle it out.

I wish they Putin and Trump would stop sniffing each others butts and just start fucking.

She works for FOX.

Sounds like hes getting a kick out of this.


Thats because your average white supremacist lives in a trailer with his wife/sister and about 30 dogs doesnt have $20 to his name.

I know a guy who knows some guys who “found” a thousand gallon tank of that shit out in Jersey.

(Available at CVS and most Dominos Pizza locations)

She really wanted to spend more time relaxing anyway.

A failed underwear model with (maybe) a HS education .........in Estonia?

Its fine, Im sure he’ll find a stack of damp old Playgirl magazines or a gallon plastic milk jug half filled with urine that could do as good or better job.