
I’ll fuck you and all your fish eatin friends in front of your mothers!

Good thing fighter pilots aren't going to be a thing soon.

There's always a slice of hate in every love sandwich.

$400 worth? So a sweatshirt and a tank top.

So Gawker is going to be one epic hissy fit over guns today.

Fuck that leave it. He's probably already relaxing in a hot tub filled with Natural Light.

Hey look guys she ain’t dead! Put away the shovels and let’s rape her!

First time on the internet?

If pro sports has no standards for intelligence or morality then maybe so.

Hey you fucking moron, you’re a millionaire and can afford top shelf pussy without raping a waitress.

“I said fall GUY not fall woman!”

How can they get fired if it's not a job?

If he had that $600 Geno Smith owed him he could've afforded an actual female hooker.

This is why I never tell my kids they can be anything they want when they grow up. I don’t want them to be dick heads.

I soak my balls in it to take the wrinkles out.

Know why he doesn't do it? The job, man.

The Yanks miss the good old days when they could just pump A Rod full of manatee semen or whatever then send him out to win it. Now they gotta deal with this guy making weird noises at the plate.

Jesus Christ, this is a train wreck of a story.

Undercover author.

Shutting the fuck up would help.