Fuck this motherfucker.
Fuck this motherfucker.
Shes got like 5 minutes to live and shes wasting it on high school???
I think all sports managers should have to wear the team uniform like in baseball.
If youre going to throw make it count.
“Its all we know!”
“Bro...bro-ooooo...Is it cool if I pour this coffee on your dick? Do you like my chops, bro? My face is like five miles long.”
Sounds like somebody got hit on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
So your kids can call you a fuck head.
Cool, I should have been a veterinarian.
I work with a dipshit with a history degree who thinks he deserves to be the CEO.
How do you fail at this?
Surprised he wasnt beaten to death.
Whos Adolpho?
On the way to work today I stopped at the K’Waun to grab a tank of gas and a pack of smokes.
Welcome back!
LEVEL 6: Car is drunk on power with a trunk full of middle school cheerleaders.