You might wanna re-think that.
You might wanna re-think that.
The Texas small business association is dead set against this after seeing NC lose billions. And the Super Bowl is coming up here in Houston.
Personally, I cant imagine juggling multiple women in my life.
I ordered steak, egg and cheese tacos this morning and they barely put any meat in one of them.
We live in a world where people are just dying to be outraged about something.
“Sure, the guy with the black kid is racist”
“Racial humor is tricky to pull off”
I believe this is what we get when reality TV displaces actual reality for millions of people. We are not a country of substance.
I hope the idiots who voted for this guy like it rough because they are about to get fucked.
Sure, but if youre Hugh Grant who is the acting equivalent of a roll of medium priced paper towels you should tattoo a big ass “L H” on your dick and stay home.
Hmm, your husband may be lying to you.
Doesnt see what all the fuss is about.
Mother Nature is a mad scientist.
Whats a tired argument? That movie stars cheat on their hot wives?
I dont understand why those guys ever got married.
It shakes my belief in monogamy.
Not really.
Dont cry, Axl Rose.
I teach a continuing education class down at the prison.