DO you ever stop crying?
DO you ever stop crying?
The left seems to have no problem with bigotry and misogyny when they are defending Muslims.
“Calling someone a racist is the new McCarthyism. The charge is pernicious. The accuser doesn’t need to prove it. It simply hangs over the accused like a great human stain.”
Aw, more racism.
I used to chat with Dwight at the gun range when he was in Houston.
“White people, I hope you were watching laughing.”
Maybe people with half a degree from the Tampa Bay 24 hr Blog School should STFU about everything.
Shes not wrong.
But theyre still black....right?
“Hows yer uncle??”
“....we will rise as a family of empowered female warriors who will never let you or any man drunk off power get away with such evil again.”
“Africa? Where dat?”
He hung around after the game to sell loose cigarettes and only worn once Jordans in the parking lot.