
"Kick it!"

Im not your Da-Da.

Have a juice box and settle down.

Hide yo personal pronouns!

You sound upset, sweetie.

Haha, you are hilarious when you try to use smart people words.

Right, im super concerned about punctuation commenting on a blurb saying "America Kinda Sucks" lol

"America Sucks" is a bumper sticker not criticism.

The complaints on Jezebel are nothing more than fashionable politics and bullshit posturing.

Im saying why stay in a place you loathe?

I volunteer at my local strip club.

Uh huh, im sure you are working tirelessly and not just bitching online lol

Well if you dont fancy America or Europe theres always North Korea or a host of fine African and Middle Eastern countries with lots of job opportunities for the go getter who enjoys child soldiering, rape, genocide and beheading.

Correct, my mother did not leave me.

Then leave, cry-baby.

Oh God, shut up.

My Boy Scout Troop got to take a close look at the first ever production B-1B which was deployed to my hometown of Abilene TX. Saw plenty of night take offs and saw one crash into a cotton field.

People in Houston love White Jesus.

Its not all bad.

"Only once by Christopher Walken"