
Lets send his dumb ass there.

That’s an insult to films that just fucking blow. Nicolas Winding Refn films are the scum of the earth. Any justifiable “Worst Movies Ever” list is just his filmography.

Me too! The line about hope at the end suddenly was suddenly painful.

Get it, girl.

Fair enough. I didn’t think you necessarily thought that. Just a lot of MRA types think “we objectify women because it’s in our DNA, man. It’s just science”. Or say that men go to hooters and strip clubs because they’re just more visual. The women that pretend women aren’t sexually excited by onscreen dudes feed into

“Drive” fucking blows.

This is an awful opinion.

I think some women in public, esp around other men, act like they’re embarrassed by anything sexual. They do it to be innocent and demure because they think that’s what guys like. Like girls that say they’ve never seen porn or masterbated. Or will do a little girl giggle anytime anything sexy is mentioned. It’s all

...and then cut all public assistance to help those moms, right?

Yes, yes we do. Just like you want to see tits. But clearly the same standards don’t apply, as most of the tits you’re going to see are rounded, firm, with high nipples and symmetrical. Some of the penises we’ve seen on TV lately were not chosen for their beauty.

Oooo beg to differ sir. I love a man’s shoulders or the small of his back. Or that hip bone thing that happens right above his boxer briefs. Mmmm

this is so, so wrong. EVERYTHING about a man’s body (visually) turns me on--the shape of the torso and shoulders, butt, body hair, penis, all of it. men are beautiful, and some women really like to look at them. (trust me, my screensaver and desktop shuffles through photos of hot actors that i like. it’s a thing—women

As a straight woman, seeing women naked does nothing for me and I don’t find it at all attractive, but that probably doesn’t matter to you, right? Because it shouldn’t.


“Thats a rap!”

That’s what SHE said!

Hopefully Trump will get all these unemployed kids back to work.

If I believed sitcoms I’d be a 60 lbs over weight UPS driver with a super hot skinny wife who puts up with my single digit IQ who I also cant stand for some reason.

Fair enough, sorry.

Really? Ive never heard of the monkey thing.