
Thats harsh but fair.

Yeah, most porn is anti-woman and exploitive.

Yep, 5,000 screen names later.

Yeah, she better get on it.

Ill try harder.

Aint no place for feelings in the hacking game, son.

He continued, “Also, while Melania is visiting her mother in Babylonia or wherever im gonna create a few more jobs....BLOW JOBS!! Hahahahaha! But seriously I am really going to have sex with my daughter. Not Tiffany, she weirds me out.”

We should have hacked Putins Netflix account and four starred a bunch of shitty Van Wilder movies to fuck up his reccomendations.

Call me in five years when she starts getting naked left and right to un-Disneyfy herself.

A “star” I never knew existed until this second.

And Bill Hader.

Fuck all that.

I hear you.

Do these tough guy Trump supporters ever stop fucking crying??

Came to hear old man yelling “FORE!”.

Yeah, after reading the responses I kind of feel stupid for asking the question.

Couldnt you say the same about any taboo lifestyle?

Im cool with it.

“I tell them every day DO NOT TOUCH YOURSELF BEFORE A GAME! It saps your strength! Tape it to your leg and go kill! KILL FOR THE PUSSY!!!!”

“...while on vacation..”