
Actually that is exactly the answer I was looking for and I totally agree with you.

Their image is that of a sex toy. Kim Kardashian became famous by MAKING PORN.

You make some good points.

I agree, its weird to me too. A lot of sex shit is but how is it unethical? Are you basing that on your religion?

Uh actually I think everyone is pretty much crapping on whats his name and acting as if the girls dont have any say in it at all. Or you are just hearing what you want to hear.

A lot of weird sex shit grosses me out but I dont care what other people do.

I bet you get a lot of mileage out of that gif when you cant say anything else:)

First, I dont have any “sister on sister fantasies”.

To rule out murder, dude.


This year is kicking my heart in the balls.

Is it illegal to drive karts drunk?

Thank you, that is the point I was trying to make but maybe I was not articulating it as well as you.

“Being expelled is really a life-changing punishment,”

Do you have a head injury?

Oh God, cant you just send me some pamphlets or something?

Thats nice.

I personally hate everyone in this story and wouldnt care if they all died in a tire fire but judging the sexual choices of consenting adults is a slippery slope.

“Its a thing in space but thats not important right now.”

Im not even trying to make a connection between incest and feminism. I do think its weird that the Kardashians are feminist icons to some but thats a different topic.