
Ill accept it at this point.

Has a player ever bitch slapped Jonathan Papelbon?

Fake how?


“There is something refreshing about seeing blackness portrayed as being fun or something one should have pride in.”

Won’t take Floyd questions.

If this happened in LA she’d be deader than a plate of beef rendang.

Breakfast at Dennys on me motherfucker.

Shes probably got more crap than that monkey in “Outbreak”.

Im imagining the weapons grade UTIs she has endured.

Hes safe as long as he does what hes told.

If this is how they eat I dont want to see how they fuck.

Can someone explain WTF these two idiots are doing?

“Let’s get down to zero, folks!”

I fell like cocaine may be coming back in a big way.

Its totally cool.
It is possible for a man and a woman to discuss these things rationally.

Thats fine, im not trying to convince you to not like Madonna.

Dude, youre not helping shit get great again.

Thats true to a certain extent but I think their death grip on fame is a bit more deserved because of their status in the Rock Holy Trinity of Dylan, The Beatles, Stones.

I agree, I was in grade school when she came along and she was geninely a sexual icon. Im a man so I wont get into the authenticity of her feminism but she had her time.