Deer often walk away from getting hit by cars under their own power and then die of internal injuries in the woods later. Does anyone know where he wandered of to???
Deer often walk away from getting hit by cars under their own power and then die of internal injuries in the woods later. Does anyone know where he wandered of to???
That sounds boring as all hell compared to prairie dog hunting, shooting steel, or tannerite.
You have your pastimes and we have ours. Leave it alone.
That gave me a much needed smile.
“I can’t even put a coherent sentence together...” promoted via telling people it existed and was terrible, and then you watched it AND then wrote a recap. Somehow I don’t believe you mean this :
I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.
Never! The sheer fabulousness would slay us all. There would be no survivors.
Truly the Sharknado of music videos.
Tuner app works well, I can confirm.
Finn and BB-8 agree a droid could do better.
If those were her answers, Alexa has a remarkable ability to dodge questions and I’d like her to stand in for me at future holiday family gatherings.
I cant handle any more politics.
Suppressors are fantastic, but also a hassle to do the paperwork on. One of the promises I hope Trump keeps is to work with congress to fix the paperwork issue, but in the mean time, the ATF has a huge backlog of applications to sort through. I have some that I paid money for in May waiting on a shelf at the dealer…
Tuner app.
I follow her on Insta. She’s in great shape. She’s also a CRAZY about some yoga.
He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.