
That is the sentence that stood out the most to me. What exactly does that entail? There’s just some older lady sitting amongst teenagers in someone’s basement, observing them?

That’s Sepiks Prime. It’s a shame they had to keep doing that strike over and over again...

He joined Trump cult.

His son in law is indeed Jewish but I think he is converting to a new faith: unchecked power.

Isnt his son in law Jewish?

“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.

***massive bong rip***

It represents technology, man. Which is our new overlord.

Oooooooh! A spooky space ball!

I’d rather see those than any other movie she’s been in lately. (Changeling was good though)

Park farther away from the school.

I like to use a little trick that I like to call “plow through traffic and clamp my hands around the wheel until the paramedics and cops have to pty them off with a crowbar”

Angie: Its a pleasure to meet you Your Highness.

Arrested by Rocky Richter-Wang?

I am so bored by Hailee Steinfeld. Fam, why do y’all keep trying to make her a thing? That music? This movie? She is so aggressively uninteresting.

Not nearly as important as your need to know if this was important.

Reminds me of my roommate, Mitch Cumstein. Great golfer, could’ve gone pro.

I got knocked out cold in a taekwondo class when I was a teenager and those motherfuckers just dragged me to the locker room and laid me out on a bench until I woke up. Didnt even call my parents.