
Or slight skiing gloves.

“...she spent six months among high school students...”

Sorry, the guy is NYC all the way.

“Pick up that blood!”


I guess its gonna be a long four years, dude.

I prefer “skillbilly”.

All of this shit is basically ensuring a ratings explosion for Dr Phil.

Calm yourself, this is nothing new. We’ve all seen racists before.

Yeah, I mean I feel kinda shitty laughing it off since its going to be decidedly un-funny for large groups of people.


You are thinking way too much.

Originally I was troubled by the election but now im beginning to appreciate the entertainment value of this cartoonish and transparently racist administration.

Ive had my lights cut off before. It fucks with your head.

I got knocked out cold in a taekwondo class when I was a teenager and those motherfuckers just dragged me to the locker room and laid me out on a bench until I woke up. Didnt even call my parents.

“Four games for being a pussy.”

Hey, I love fellatio.

+ 1 Bitter Rage

““My mother always told me not to talk about politics or money. But she never mentioned sucking a cock on the internet.”

Idiot fuck head gon’ idiot fuck head.