I cant waaaaaait for the yokels who voted for this guy to sober up because they are going to find a large type penis in their ass and I hope they like it rough.
I cant waaaaaait for the yokels who voted for this guy to sober up because they are going to find a large type penis in their ass and I hope they like it rough.
They also mad.
Considering the number of black dudes Jackson has turned into millionaires I wouldnt think hed be this easily accused of da wacism.
Its almost like this is a sprots related site....
True, but it still seems like when there is an obvious total racist running you might want to AT LEAST vote against that person.
“principled Conservative”
+1 You son of a bitch.
The MSDS sheet for Bud Light reccomends ingesting 30-40 ml of brake fluid.
Stop wanting to like her just because shes a woman. Jesus.
“Golden Peafowl”
“Its probably no worse than what the queers have already done to the soil”
“Settle down”
Should’a put this out around Halloween.
“I bet its gonna be wicked smaht and Trumps gonna give him the Congressional Medal of Honor.”
Yeah, im sure a nice polite speech on The View should take care of everything.
Im sorry he never got to see Arizona.
I admire your delicate sensibilities.
Yeah, what happened to Randy Weaver was totally unnecessary.