
Bullshit, you and dipshit over there both voted for him. Thats why all the polling was off because you guys were too embarrassed to admit it.

I always feel like a worthless piece of shit after reading stories like this.

A womans anger is like a tire fire, you just have to let it burn itself out and stay far away.

Tips on class from a fuckin’ trump voter. Hilarious.

Thats true, the racist fuck heads won fair and square.

Dont tell me any more stories like that ok?

Why is that guys head a muppet?

Just because idiots like you elected a steaming bag of dick tips doesnt mean the rest of us with functioning brains need to like it.

Is the UAW a 13 year old girl?

Hey buddy! Go choke on a bag of dicks;)

Perhaps somebody can make a documentary about why teenagers are so fucking stupid.

I prefer El Duderino.

I think their combined artistic output bears a striking resemblance to the stuff that comes out of my butt.

Whatever yanks your crank.

I cant believe people still give a fuck.



Just a feeling, speech pattern, no real evidence.

Maybe we should cut this guy a break.

Has he been punched in the skull a few times?