
“....shining a laser pointer at any kind of human-operated aircraft is very dangerous...”

Damn son, you diggin’ a deep ass hole on this one.

“What a white bitch will put up with, a black bitch won’t put up with for a minute. They got a line, and if you cross it, they fuck you up.”

Thats good eatin’.

Thats a major red flag.

Crazy eyes confirmed.

I was there, they did a five minute solo on “Sack of Love”

Youre the douche.

So whats your cunning strategy here? Demand that white people stop smoking weed?

It was even more painful when she added the flavor packet.

And thats the fault of who?

Electric hot plate, dude.

Dude, if youre in the middle of an out of control day long bitch fest with your girlfriend and she just out of the blue starts boiling some water GET THE FUCK OUT!

The people who benefited economically, politically, and socially from mass incarceration (predicated on the drug war that was sustained largely through marijuana prohibition) were white.....

“One included an attached photo with “A whore named Satan dies” written over Taylor’s face...”

Youve tried to suck your own dick, havent you?

Then stop saying stupid shit.

We got what we deserve.

He’s probably already having slot machines moved into the Lincoln bedroom.

Well youre obviously upset but im guessing most white pot heads agree with you politically so maybe they are not the people to blame.