
“I’m having a hard time being with people,”

Yeah but Ivanka is getting the D.

Fuck all that.

OK fair enough, maybe they arent racists theyre just stupid fucking idiots.

Im going to drink every night for the rest of this week then get my shit together next Monday.

Theres gotta be something funny about all this..........there has to......motherfucker.

Well, I guess that at some point he has to hit “Max Asshole” and then maybe dial it down a bit.

What exactly is “democratic” about helping the Russian government influence our elections by stealing and releasing confidential emails you fucking idiot?

They voted for him because they saw themselves in him. A small minded, petty, racist bully who wants to put black people and women back in their place.

I hope somebody beats Julian Assange to death with a pillowcase full of door knobs.

Useful at fucking over the rest of us.

Been sippin’ back on grandpas old cough medicine?


60 million racists.

Can you show me where is the pussy magnet??

Small comfort there.

I am a white, male gun nut living in Houston, Texas and im fucking embarrassed.

The “arc of the universe” is currently bent up our ass.

Im embarrassed to be an American.