
I always refused to believe that we were a nation of racists but I have to face up to the un-face-up-toable.

Why bother?

Yeah, the movement of racist asswipes is off to a great start.

“Where do they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”
Melvin Udall

“This sinkhole opened up without explanation by the site of for a nearby subway station...”

“Sometime in the near future, the good people left in this country will need to rise above vindictiveness...”

Im from Houston.

“I write hundreds of letters and notes every month....Mostly to Tom Bradys mom offering to inseminate her.”

Wow, I didnt think there was room for another dick in his mouth.

Kung Fuhrer vs Jew Jitsu...

ur gud at senteances

Theres a lot of good cocaine in Dallas.

Wear a rubber, dude.

Buy guns people, and plenty of ammo.

Yes, I am a bad person.

Im less than optimistic about our future.


Not quite that big but big enough.

“When I am announced Dictator For Life.....I mean El Presidente Maximo......I mean President.... Ivanka has promised to lick icing off of my balls like she did when she was a little girl.”

Tommy Lasorda is cooling down the sex gazpacho!