

Aint nobody can de-burr a cotton gin like an eight year old.

The child unemployment rate has skyrocketed under the corrupt Obama administration. Hero Donald J Trump has a plan to put children back to work in 2017.

So this fucking moron is not the greatest theological mind of our time?

“Close the refrigerator door!!”

I hope these rednecks understand that they are not the only ones who own guns.

Dude looks like his face caught on fire and somebody tried to put it out with a weed wacker.

What joke?

Im guessing it would smell real bad.

Humans are animals, violent and deceptive above all.

Yeah I know there are dozens of you.

Im building a kick ass speaker box this weekend, bro.

Thats true but there are people who have it far worse than us.

Counter-counter point: He wont win

I have two on my ride.

Thats an alternator, dude.

What part of her body is she voting with then? Her asshole?

Say what you will about America but we are way cooler than a lot of places.

Dont drop the soap, holmes.

I never spit into urinals because I have a deep fear that the spit will not disconnect from my tongue before it touches the toilet and then ill have a piss elevator directly into my mouth.