

I rode a horrible carnival ride called “The Women Beater” once.

Im burying ammo and teaching my women how to make a cereal bowl out of a human skull.

“Sad. Sad little crybaby loser who probably cant even take a shower with a beautiful woman without wearing his jeans. He’s probably crying because he’s surrounded by black guys living in hell and because in Chicago, which Obama invented, teenage white girls cant even walk down the street without having a baby ripped

This is arrant bullshit.

Am I supposed to be NOT cool with White House rug munching??

And I bet that motherfucker put mayonnaise on every one of them too.

Cant decide if these kids are doing too many drugs or not enough.

Dude, hire a hooker and tell her whats up.

Trumps gonna make Dubya look like JFK.

The real crime is he didnt even offer the combo with fries and a drink.

BIGGER STORY: People still read Rolling Stone.

I can only imagine what kind of tiny, shriveled penis one must have to own one of these.

Did those guys just get gang banged by Smurfs?

We also used to flash for when it was ok for a passing semi to get back over and then they would flash their running lights to say thanks.

I hear stories like this and get scared because we have infants in charge of our country.

Ham Rove!

His head looks like a cinder block made of sweat ham.

He should marry Kobe Bryant.

It must be hard to Tweet with a dick in your mouth.