
Its literally the dumbest thing I could think of to match my confusion over this guys sentence.

Helps if you do your rapin’ in Oklahoma.

Rapist mustache.

Bostons basically a bitter, racist San Francisco.

He wont have to fuck himself where hes going.

What a nightmare, married to a child molesting sandwich salesman.

Cool avatar photo.

Im more concerned with those nut hugging white jeans for the love of god why are they so tight?

I think congressmen should take a rubber bullet to the spine about once a month.

Well la-dee-da, look at the fancy rich man fire.

Shes a Kardashian, she aint scared’a no dicks.

Wow, I really hope that family gets hit by a meteor made out of syphilis.

As a man I cant offer much advice there.

Ron McGlaughlin I presume.

At Houston Community College we were given a choice of whatever billboard we could see from the county lock up window.


You bastard.

I remember back in the day we would flash our high beams to warn oncoming drivers of speed traps.

Ive done my research.