
Chips are like toilet paper, you can only improve it so much and then youre just wasting time and money.

You know what that is?

I hate you.

That is the ideal delivery method.

Chips are one of the few things in life that get better as the price gets lower.

If you think dogs should be killed like roaches then you are seriously psychotic.

I woke up at 3 am last night and had a few handfuls of soil then went back to bed and had awful nightmares.

So you equate dogs with insects?

Depends on how hungry you are.

I like the cheap ass store brand BBQ chips that look like theyre coated with powdered nuclear waste and only the top half of the bag is in actual chip form with the bottom half being mostly “chip soil”.

Youre arguing with a piece of lawn furniture.

Anyone who thinks its ok to exterminate something because they bother us after we move into their area is a fucking idiot.

Paris Hilton is like a case of herpes.

You should see a doctor.

“I don’t care if we humans have encroached on their “space”. That’s the breaks.”

LA’s most irritating pests: Brain dead trust fund losers.

Meanwhile in Houston I cant even go outside to check my mail without getting fucking heat stroke.

Good plan, make her use a glove so there are no fingerprints.

Yeah, Goodells place must be awesome.

I dont know what the fuck youre talking about but I would rather watch tits than football.