
Yeah, im guessing that having his skull dribbled might be a factor.

That information seems out of context but I agree.

I dont know what this means. Sorry.

The most surprising thing is not that players would take people out for cash but that these meatheads would do it for like $500.

Let me guess, you had a really bad St Patricks Day once.

She probably went to Arizona State.

Fart box.

Snow Nazis.....bastards.

“Thanks for the F Shack.”

Lockjaw, night vision, you name it.

I already have herpes and a piece of shit car.

Rollin’ D’Oh!

The worst thing about being white is pretending to give a shit about soccer.

If Lady Gaga or Rihanna said the exact same thing you guys would be shitting yourselves over the deep deepness of deepitude.

Sounds like somebody wants to cash in.


Anyone who uses all three names should be placed on the terror watch list.

“Cracker”, lol.

“How original”

So thats how you sound after waking up in a dumpster.