Yeah, staying in the locker room is like spitting on George Washingtons balls.
Yeah, staying in the locker room is like spitting on George Washingtons balls.
President Dipshit has one policy for any situation: “I might do that, maybe, sometime, and if I do it’ll be great but if not then whatever because I never said I was for sure going to anyway so stop blaming me not doing what I never said would happen in the first place, losers.”
You do realize you just made my point, right?
Somebody bout’ to get paid.
I hope somebody kicks that kid in the face.
As a legally ordained White Representative I will say I dont have any desire to use that word because I do not wish to sound like an uneducated criminal.
“Because they cannot comprehend the concept that everything belongs to them.”
Because he cant just be a giant fuckin’ asswipe he must be “crazy”.
Because her last name is Shannon and not Muhammad.
Are the Black people in Portland giving cash to Native Americans?
Pro-life murderer.
Aziz didnt do anything except make the mistake of fucking a celebrity gossip hound.
“Deep State”?