
Its just lazy and peoples attention spans have been destroyed by twitter and garbage writing like this.

Give me a fuckin’ break.

Yeah, im sure this sounded like the mostest hottest of taeks Saturday night over drinks and bongs.

Its become fashionable politics to begin conversations with, “White people are/should....” and if I heard someone begin a sentence like that talking about Black people I would quickly tell them to shut up.

I see someone is unfamiliar with the concept of “jokes”.

Yeah, its the journalistic equivalent of a Twinkie.

People watch way too many movies.

Whatever she does will be criticized.

This might surprise you, New Black Friend, but you too can buy a gun anywhere a white person can.

“Do not be a white woman who uses a tragedy to promote her brand. Do not be a white woman who talks when you have nothing to say.”

It depends on how badly Trump continues to shit on the generals and whether or not they decide to stop him before he launches missiles.

Ive gone all summer without looking like a douchebag.

Ive gone all summer without looking like a douchebag.

Im a hipster so I go around slipping olden timey Polaroids of my dick in womens purses.

Trump alreasy identifies these yokels as “his people”.

Welp, have fun getting your ass whipped.

My advice to liberals: Buy guns.

I can still slip a Polaroid of my dick in your pocket when youre not looking.


Automatic death sentence.
