A supergroup comprised of people nobody has ever heard of.
A supergroup comprised of people nobody has ever heard of.
If I were a Jew Id have enough bullets to kill everyone in my zip code because if shit goes down those motherfuckers are always the first ones in the monkey cage.
“...everybody has an opinion on my life & worried bout what I’m doing...”
Who cares?
Maybe they should let him keep the money to pay for some fucking English lessons and also maybe go to some stand-up seminars.
No idea but he looks like a canned ham in a court suit.
“Desmond Finger, a general manager of Upper East Side strip club...”
Is there room in that prison for any more AM radio sports douchebags?
I bridle at that suggestion.
His next candidate is a bowl of butterscotch pudding wearing a pair of sunglasses.
No dummy.
Explain it again.
I still think Bey’s “endorsement” was calculated to appear on the right side of history while incurring the least possible backlash from her conservative fans.
At least the kid isnt one of those bjorn again religious nuts.