
What a new and original concept!

“.....for about 10 seconds.”

“Get out the way! We gotta get down to the poll place and Make ‘Merica Great Aginn’!”

Yeah, I mean I 100% understand why a certain segment of white men voted for Trump. I get it. He represents their fear and ignorance and greed and laziness.

“My pill bottle is full at home, my pill bottle is full at home....”

Giving your time and money to pretty people wont make you more attractive.

I used to do that all the time on Nintendo Double Dribble.

I dont care what they do.

Jesus fucking Christ.


That and its easier to get away with fucking your sister.

Im glad you told that story about the dumb white girls instead of me.

Jus’ good ol’ small town, salt of the earth, heartland folk who are filled to the brim with ignorance and hate and stayed in their tiny shit hole towns because they’re too fuckin’ stupid to compete in a large urban job market with their 8th grade educations.


Oh yeah. lol

Yeah, its not really fair to blame ALL women because you cant get ALL black people or ALL poor people to vote in their interests either.

If women actually stuck together they could rule the world but they fall for the same divide and conquer tactics as the poor and other minorities. And the sad fact is that every piece of shit old man racist on the planet has women lined up around the block to fuck them which just means that more boys will try to

They just caught a guy over on Riverside Dr. doing the same thing.

Im still paying off that HD chain wallet I bought in 2005.

Those men had a lot of help.