I think that just made my day!
I think that just made my day!
Except that it only takes one fuckup to kill somebody. Whether or not you kill yourself is your own business, but whether or not you take a bunch of innocent people with you IS the government's business.
I've seen cops overreact for absolutely no reason, but in this case, I think those two douchebags had it coming. That was a pretty dumb-ass thing to do.
@design61: I still remember that smell too! Nothing else sounded like an air-cooled VW either.
My grandparents always had a Saab of one sort or another (96/99/900). That would explain my interest in odd cars. Parents also had a Ford Fairlane wagon and then numerous mustangs. Good times...had lots of fun playing in the cargo area!
THAT is how you do it, FTW.
$34.99? Pfft..I bet you could have them made in China for $3.00.
@FordGTGuy: Okay, you got me on a technicality, although I've always just referred to gasoline (both liquid and vapor) as gasoline. Is there another technical term for the vapor?
@FordGTGuy: Well, technically gasoline vapor is still gasoline.
"Wut??? Nobody done told me gasoline was flammable!!!!!"
Dude....easy on the parking brake! You'll go blind.
@Shep_Shepherd: I know Volvo sells a lot of AWD models, so I have no doubt that this has something to do with it, but not everyone wants to pay the mileage penalty for an AWD. The only good news is that there will be plenty of used V70's around for some years to come :)
@dan.pinder: Not just Goldstar, but "Lucky Goldstar." Sounds like a good name for a porn star.
I think this vehicle's success is going to have a lot to do with price, but I trust Ford engineering (at least with small cars) a lot more than I trust GM's.
@nathonix: It's not just you!
@Businessinthefront: All homes have 120/240V service, but in many cases the garage will only have a single 120V circuit, so you'd have to have a new circuit installed from the house to the garage.
@rocor: Because it's a lot more fun?
@Susan Valentine: I thought that died last year? Still, it was awful enough that it should have earned an honorable spot on the 2010 list.
@MadisonSuicide: Tell me about it.
@Shep_Shepherd: Yeah, WTF Volvo? What am I going to drive when the V40 falls apart? I do not understand the logic behind the decision to stop selling the V70 in the states.