
Megan Mullanay? Is that like, some combination of Nick Offerman's wife and the future of comedy?

Sort of an off-brand, dollar-store White.

They are both divorced and single. But then, even if they got together, can we endure another Arnett-Poehler?

I think the smash-cut from 'Me and Dennis are gonna be just fine' to 'DENNIS AND DEE GO ON WELFARE' might be the best one the show has ever done.

George Lucas has been saying since 1980 that he wants to quit the big hollywood rigmarole and just make small little experimental films, but obviously he has done the opposite of that. I think they both believe that they want to do personal, independent stuff, but also that once you get into the empire business,

No mention of trenchers, food 'swimming in' other food, dripping down chins, 2/5.

Why does Marky Mark look like Stephen Rea in this?

Well, I got a tattoo with a friend with lyrics from [i]Transgender Dysphoria Blues[/i] on it, so obviously I'm going to stump for it. To me, any list without it is a bit questionable; there has never been an album like it before, certainly not anything in mainstream rock, and it's a goddamn wonderful listen.

Eric Andre Hyland, as he interacts with and emotionally scars an unsuspecting public.

I'm tepid about most PTA, but when I watched Magnolia, I have to be honest, the entire thing felt so overwrought that when the rain of frogs came I started laughing and continued laughing all the way to the end of that absurd melodrama.

I want a Ken Burns documentary on the history of partying hard and getting down.

I had a similar experience, but watching it again and knowing how it ends, I don't know if it's that Ali looked uncomfortable so much as me being uncomfortable watching it. She seemed nervous and tentative but seemed into playing the game - like, if I were with a dude and he demanded I not sit and called him Daddy,

I can't help but get the feeling that, professional critics aside, nobody is watching this show. The review of the 5th and 6th episodes of Transparent got 30 comments. The equivalent review of the 5th and 6th episodes of the first season of Orange Is The New Black, which was also a progessive-leaning show with a

Aaand you're wrong!

I didn't care for Jon Bernthal in The Walking Dead, but he was really good in The Wolf Of Wall Street.

Ed Norton's spent so long playing these conflicted dual-role type characters that you wouldn't guess that he's perfect at playing uncomplicated boy scouts in both Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest Hotel, but he totally is, and seems to really dig it.

Look - Fargo the series seemed like a terrible idea, since there was really no need to go back and work over the material of a just-about-perfect movie, but it ended up being superb.

Can't have women thinking they get to inherit titles!

Peter Dinklage wasn't in In Bruges. There is more than one little person working in movies.