Dwarf Oscar

I was about to say that. It's exclusively European guys with Isao Takahata helping. But I guess it makes it more glamorous to say it's a Studio Ghibli movie.

Lots of fake accounts on those kinds of websites… or so I'm told…

Ah, memories…

Can't wait for the Beetlejuice-centric episode next week.

Is that you, Beck ?

Very fine. Someone has to endorse the "me against the world" role this weekend. I did it for the Emily Blunt episode.

"How crazy you're an acquaintance of all fifteen of my ex-boyfriends"

It's like Bob Kelso talking about his wife's snoring on Scrubs. You're annoyed by it time after time, but the second it's gone, you miss it.

I preferred the Dwayne Johnson sketch. Him and Jemma made for a more believable asshole alpha couple.

No need to lose your composure over this.

Nolan is not a "tudda-dum" kinda guy.

… and still make 3 billions at the box-office.

A couple hours ???

My biggest laugh was the guy with the heavy Scottish accent saying "We're all Nazarene !". I saw it as a jab to Gerald Butler in Gods of Egypt.

Ok let's try this (it's pretty close to your ranking):

Problem with invisible threats is that they stop being scary once you know they'll keep on keep being invisible. I was on the edge of my seat during the first hour of Paranormal Activity, but then I was like "Yeah, it's fine, we're never gonna see the demon, apparently…"

Will anyone mention the BLATANT SPONSORED CONTENT by American Airlines ?
Jk, it's just that some people saw sponsored content everywhere during the previous episodes…