Dwarf Oscar

A rare occurrence of a recurring sketch adding a twist to its formula.

Trump Bingo Card :
N-word | Slut | Fatty fat-fat | Homo | If she wasn't my daughter
Dumps like a truck | Oriental | Uggo | They're all living in hell | Maj uggo
R-word | F-word (gay) | Miss Piggy | Oinker | Lards
A real poopface | Rapists | I'm sorry | Uh doi | Buttmunch
Bad hombres | Lesbo | Pound Town | Here's my penis

Season 5 : Boyle
Season 6 : Rosa
Season 7 : Amy again (to throw off expectations)
Season 8 : Nobody (Scully loses the trophy in a dumpster or something)
Season 9 : The Vulture !

Freddy, Robert, Louis, Taylor, Marcia, Glendon, Tabitha, Mouse…

It had a good laugh/minute ratio, so character development and plot can screw themselves as far as I'm concerned…

But at least with Laura Parsons you can tell new jokes with every appearance. The Bar Mitzvah boy added nothing new, it was always the same schtick.

Chief ?

Day and Moffat were everywhere but they have yet to play a funny character. Moffat's not gonna soar with Anderson Cooper impressions…

I'd like to know the origins of the "Sink" sketch. Did an SNL writer or castmember spend a night in a fancy-ass hotel, find the sink funny and film it for good measure ?

Very reminiscent of the Michael Keaton episode from two years ago, which remains one of the best episodes of the decade at least.
People seem mixed about this episode, but last night I was almost screaming "THAT'S why I keep watching SNL !!!".

I'll go further and say it was a terrific episode of SNL, including the post-WU sketches. Best of the season so far by a large shot.
With 'The Sink', 'Burger King', 'The Hamsters', and 'Qua', there were a lot of potential ten-to-oners last night, and I'll always laud that kind of risk-taking.

Wow, that Maya Rudolph song was actually a cover ? I didn't know that.

I think it's all in the "k". You have to pronounce it close to "Niholaj" but not quite.

It doesn't require research. It encourages research.

Over here in France, we've got a president who fell off a train. In his pyjamas.

OK, I watched it again and he says "I have your marshall, and I'm coming for you". So yeah, maybe hostage situation…

Didn't Figgis imply on a previous phonecall that he killed the character played by Rudolph ?