Dwarf Oscar

As much I like The Babadook, I don't think Under the Shadow is a less scary version of it. I was much more frightened by that one, and I think it's the better of the two, actually.

It's great. Super disturbing, but great.

I had trouble telling them apart too. But I found the technique : Mikey Day is the one with the Tim-Robbinsy face.

What Newswire are you referring to ? I don't see anything SNL related…
Edit : spoke too soon

"The Librarian" was absolutely amazing. It had that slow-burn quality that 'Farewell Mr Bunting' had last year. The rest of the episode was OK to pretty-good, but the Librarian is the highlight for me. "Not the stick !"
Anyone noticed the Matt Villines homage by the way. The action took place in the Villines Academy.

Does anyone remember even seeing her in the goodnights ?

Melissa Villasenor has a few good impressions up her sleeve. Her Kristen Wiig is actually amazing.
I didn't mind her Sarah Silverman. The voice was there, but the jokes were just meh.

I see some affection here and there on Portlandia. Not everywhere, but the feminist booksellers always seemed sympathetic to me, if a little holier-than-thou. Ok, very holier-than-thou.

I thought I was, but apparently we haven't read the same ones…

OK, it might have played a role on Earl, that wouldn't surprise me. But maybe Randall noticed the "skirting" and simply didn't want to a be a confrontational asshole.
I don't know if Scientology is a 'gotcha' subject for Suplee, but you seem to agree that he still seems reluctant to bring it up. Do we also agree that

Well, keep avoiding it…

You still have to stick to the 'Random Roles' template. Scientology has nothing to do with any of the prominent roles he played on movies and TV.

I hope he'll keep in touch with them when he's back as a Captain.

"… I will"

Oh I completely agree with you. I don't wanna be the guy who goes full "What the hell is this nonsense ! A C+ ? That episode is obviously a B- ! Learn how to review !". I appreciate Kayla's reviews regardless of whether I agree with the rating or not.

Does Jiro follow the same plot than the parody ? Old guy gets sick, son has to take care of the restaurant and gets as good as his father ? That's what I was wondering when watching.

The 'Gentle and Soft' episode also had that blending of humor and genuineness. It has become the main strength of that series and i hope they keep on that road.
Also, if this episode is an A, last week's episode is a B at best. That's the problem with rating pilots too high at the very beginning.

He understands everything I say !

I said "who's a dog with low self-esteem who'll never do anything with his life ?" and my dog looked at me, with sadness in his eyes.