Dwarf Oscar

They're not all assholes. Some are just douchebags.

That series completely jumped the shark. But not as much as Game of Thrones, when Daenerys married Jack Sparrow.

Crazy Ira and The Literal Douche

SNL relied heavily on Killam after the departure of Hader, Armisen and Sudeikis. He appeared every week on at least 5 or 6 sketch a night. That's send-off-worthy in my opinion.
So, not everyone, but a few deserve a send-off (Thompson, McKinnon, maybe Moynihan)

Haha, there's some truth in that.

Maybe next year one or two Mooney sketches will actually air live before being dumped on Youtube.

Armisen is, like, 17,11% Japanese.

I agree that 6 years is OK, but they deserved some kind of send-off, Killam in particular.

Firing Pharaoh means they don't have any castmember left for impressions of thin black men. I mean, Michael Che is in there, but he doesn't strike me as an impressionnist.

Yeah, I didn't think about Les Jeunes de Paris either. That goes from bummer to super-bummer now…

I too would like to express my fondness of a prematurely canceled Ken Marino show. And, for me, that show would be Reaper

You philistine !

You're a genius ! And you're a genius ! And you're a genius too ! Everybody in this room is a genius !

You're a genius who happens to love tits as well.

"If I were his lawyer, I would have told him : 'Cool it with the chocolates'."

He seems to tone down his Carville here, which is all for the better. Hader is so good he can nail two Carville impressions.

Is it the one for the "urban" market ?

Spoiler (???)

It's really good guys. One of my favorite movies from last year. And I don't think it fizzles at the end, although the friend i watched it with didn't like the ending as well…

Admittedly, a Fukunaga-helmed movie would probably have been more daring.