Dwarf Oscar

OK let's try that "top ten sketches of the season" thingy… (5 live, 5 pre-taped)
- Yo, Where Jackie Chan At (Tracy Morgan)
- First Got Horny 2 U (Elizabeth Banks)
- 3D Printer Man (Matthew McConaughey)
- Santa Baby (Ryan Gosling)
- Brunch (Chris Hemsworth)
- FBI Simulator (Larry David)
- The X-Files (Larry David)
- True Tales

Besides the two sketches where everyone was present, he was in the Space shuttle and High School Theater sketches (both post-WU)

Good ol' Ben Beckett…

What in Young And Beautiful motivated you to keep up with Ozon, whereas 8 Femmes and Swimming Pool (arguably his best movies) failed to do so ?

Shut up Tandy, lest you want some taste of the pillory again.

That character reappears in the Johnny Knoxville episode. His vocabulary didn't expand between the two episodes.

The Falconer has a special place in my heart as the only SNL recurring sketch that never ever repeats itself. Every new Falconer has very little to do with previous iterations.

I liked it fine. At first I was a little disappointed I wasn't laughing much but midmovie I found myself delighted by the subtlety and good character work. It's textbook definition of a "little movie", but it's a good little movie.

It has been lost after thousands and thousands of new names for Ward, but, yes, that's the joke, originally.

My Life without me, with Sarah Polley

Big Head probably would let Richard be the secret CEO of Pied Piper, without Raviga's knowledge. And although Richard has shown his limitation when having an executive position, he's been learning from his mistakes.
So I don't know who's gonna be CEO, but I'm certain it will someone who'll keep pouring in sand into

It's become painfully obvious he had a fucked-up childhood. What I wonder is if the showrunners intend to develop on that or will they just keep on sparkling clues and never tell the whole story.

Yes, the Endframe plot was on a sort of hiatus in the second half of season 2, when the trial was the main concern. I'm glad they're back in full force. An "Endframe/Hooli" team-up is be the biggest threat Pied Piper had to face so far.

Big Head would stay in his office eating Doritos and let Richard and the team do what the fuck they want with the platform. So not a bad choice either.

I have to give points to High Rise for sheer insanity. It's one of the instances of directors being given a lot of money and going absolutely nuts with it. Sometimes it's good (PTA Anderson's Magnolia), sometimes it's bad (Richard Kelly's Southland Tales), but it's the kind of movie UFOs I'm always glad to see on the

Cut the last twenty minutes, and you have a half-decent Cronenberg movie.

I saw them in Paris and was quite underwhelmed. Three boring Twin Peaks scenes looped over and over again on the background screen. The music was okay but nothing transcending. Maybe if i listened the album beforehands…

Yep, kind of a bland year. Very few really good songs are absolutely zero funny/ridiculous ones. But it's the first time in my history of watching Eurovision that my favorite song wins. Politics aside, the Ukrainian song trully was the most beautiful.

I won't be as harsh as you on The Master, but yeah, recent Paul Thomas Anderson's got nothing on oldie Paul Thomas Anderson. He's gone supremely cold and distant.

I like that one and Idioteque. But I agree with David Anthony here. When I'm in a Radiohead mood, Kid A is the last album I feel like listening to.