Dwarf Oscar

I totally get behind Gus Spelman's feeling about a certain director : he's one of my favorite directors, but I happen to despise or be underwhelmed by most of his movies. But it's another David in my case, you know, the Cronenberg one.
The Cronenberg movies I like, I really like : Videodrome, Naked Lunch, The Brood,


Either Julio or Enrique Iglesias

Me too. Calling it a 'disaster' seems harsh. And they found a new angle with their usual "singers doing incongruous covers" template, thanks to the hologram stuff. That way they found more original celebrities to impersonate. Seriously, how often do you have a Bing Crosby impression on SNL ?

You sure it wasn't Pete Davidson ? I remember Pete…

You nail what bothers me in the last five minutes of the movie. For 9/10th of its duration it was one of my favorite movies of last year, but that unironic happy ending was hard to swallow. I still recommend it, but it always sucks how 5 misguided minutes at the end of a good movie can almost ruin the whole experience.

A lot of commenters are making perfectly valid "nightmare-fueled" recommendations, but I'm surprised no one is talking about the works of, well, the man being interviewed. Some short stories in Altmann's Tongue are the definition of "skin-crawling".

Yes, that's what I meant. As a thank you, I'll keep my post unedited and ridiculous.

The thing I like about this movie's "tonal whimsy", is that it dares to find humor in scenes that are supposed to be completely serious and heartwrenching. The morning gathering scene is a splendid exemple of that. That's the scene where I told myself "okay, I'm watching a really unique movie".

Nah, watched it four times. Still as good as the first time. The beginning of my love affair with Bong's movies.

Carla (and all the newly employed Pied Piper coders from season 2) quit after the "Intersite debacle", so it makes sense she doesn't appear here.

He was one of my favorite characters from season 2. Let's hope Craig Cackowski will be back and be given more things to do.

My 'John Q' notification is finally paying off !

On the other hand, after seeing the photos several weeks ago, I was delighted with excitement and couldn't wait to see half-shaven Tandy in context.

Best part of the episode for me : Sudeikis dancing "What Up With That"-style with his trademark hand move.

Somehow, watching an unfunny actor really giving his best is way more cringey than an unfunny actor who just goes through the motions.

The Jonah Hill episode had a few not-that terrible things going on, like "Racists for Trump" or "The Champ". Whereas this one was abysmal. Even Mooney/Bennett and O'Brien gave us uninspired skits.

I recently finished (and loved to death) The Book of Strange New Things, and i can't wait to read some other Michel Faber books. Under the Skin might be next.

Started Infinite Jest. Knowing my reading speed, it's gonna be a looong ride…