Dwarf Oscar

The "Community Grade" is all over the place on that one. This episode might be the most divisive of the whole season.

Welp, we can't help him with that…

I only count two (Naked And Afraid, Gloryhole Restaurant), unless shitting/peeing your pants goes into that category, in that case we're up to 4 (Game Of Thrones BTS, Magician).
What am I missing ?

B99 writers, good luck following this episode, ya bish…

I agree that it's still masterfully choreographed and directed, however it doesn't hold a candle to its season 1 counterpart. The way the camera barely moved at all, it was so… elegant. And restrained. For this episode, we'll have to do with the usual "shaky cam" directing, and part of the magic is lost.

Dammit, now I want the whole video interview…

The answer is Lake Bell

I must admit I'm on board. Seth Rogen is hit-or-miss, but the "hits" are more regular than you can expect. And it must be the first I heard the word "fuck" in a 3D animated movie, so that's kind of novelty.

That bun gives me the creeps, seriously. Vaginas I'm fine with, mind you. But that bun is something else…

I was introduced to Leyner recently with Sugar Frosted Nutsack. It's certainly the craziest book I've ever read. Not the best crazy book, but the craziest by far.

Terrible ————-|———- Masterpiece
This is where I stand

Yeah but then he went back to square one, baby-eating-wise. Talk about stagnating.

And one had to gulp Kate McKinnon's blobfish nose.
I wonder if Beck Bennett drew the short straw before the mermaids sketch.

I was prepared to scoff at this episode, but she proved me wrong. It goes straight into this season's Top 5.

I was hoping she would take revenge and say "Thanks to Barry David" at the end.

The You Must Remember This episodes about Charles Manson truly are excellent. It doesn't treat Manson as this sort of evil figure that corrupted and destroyed the Summer Of Love utopia, but its inevitable end product

But not as hot as a skeleton with a bikini, I tell you

We get the picture, buddy.

I guess I'll be your "this episode was actually good" guy this week. I liked it. Solid B territory. Pre-Update material was solid, Update was this season's best. Post-Update wasn't that eye-rolling.