
Not all opinions are equally valid.

Many will rationalize staying because “he’s one of the good ones”.

Any bets on how many users will flee Parler once they realize that it’s owned by a POC?

I know they’re two different media outlets, but I swear every time I turn on CNN, they mention Laci Peterson once a day.

It’s extremely frustrating that serial predators are built up as some sort of unknowable deviant masterminds we can’t possibly crack when the reality is just: police really, really, really, really, really, really, really suck at their jobs. 

Guys guys guys guys. The police didn’t have any WHITE PEOPLE reports of this exact thing happening in this exact location. Therefore, by only following the lack of facts, and lack of "colored" people who were murdered coming forward with evidence of their murder, they had no choice but to not act.

Isn’t that the same type of badge that 75 year old white guy in Oklahoma had before he shot and killed a Black man because he mixed up his gun and taser? 

The police are playing semantics. The definition of serial killer is 3 or more murders over time. So if the police didn’t have 3 or more bodies that are linked in some what they can’t confirm a serial killer is out there. However, “completely unfounded” is dismissive and suggests they had no interest in finding out

Something I would like to see in future debates, in general:

THIS is THE correct answer. 100%.

I want the trapdoor with a factchecker on it. The third time you say something that is objectively, blatantly untrue, you fall through the trapdoor never to be seen again. This guy and Marjorie wouldn’t last two minutes, and Dems would win all the elections by default because their opponents would be stuck in the

Can we just give debate moderators a microphone kill switch, or perhaps a lever that operates a trap door behind the podiums? Every debate now involves a moderator saying “Excuse me. Sir. Sir. Excuse me. Sir. I have to... Excuse me. Sir, your time is... Sir. Sir.” for several minutes with absolutely zero effect.

Unfortunately, facts do matter on Twitter, and many were quick to point out both major problems with Erickson’s remark.

That’s a pretty interesting career. I’ll bet he did indeed have some great stories.

A solemn audience will please intone a round of “ch ch ch, ah ah ah” in loving memory!

More like a real world Obediah Stane

Or Seth Green punch him in the nuts

I wish Bill Murray would throw him in a trash can

I can’t imagine this GOP wouldn’t eventually demand forced implantation, can you?

Humanity hunting a species into extinction is nothing new.