
but remember, he’s a genius so he *planned* for all this to happen LOL

eh I’m thinking Mexico or Central America; the weather is nicer, lower cost of living; my luck I’d get there and the first thing I’d see is a FJB flag.

5-6 years ago I would have agreed with you BUT T***p is the head of a very sticky cult of personality and I’m not convinced that ALL of those cultists would immediately abandon him for a power-hungry wannabe fascist dullard with ZERO charisma like DeathSentence. A lot probably would but ALL of them? I’m not so sure.

5-6 years ago I would have agreed with you BUT T***p is the head of a very sticky cult of personality and I’m not convinced that ALL of those cultists would immediately abandon him for a power-hungry wannabe fascist dullard with ZERO charisma like DeathSentence. A lot probably would but ALL of them? I’m not so sure.

well, *Maine* may not want abortion rights, but I know that’s not your point...a lot of shitty congresspeople have had long careers thanks to voter apathy and/or a desire to troll people who actually care about a functioning democracy (looking at you Cocaine Mitch!), and Collins is definitely one of them. Man I hope

another good reminder that IF Dems win Congress (yes I know, HUGE, bold-faced, asterisked IF), they should really open that rancid can of worms and hold hearings about why SCOTUS justices lied under oath to Congress about their plans for Roe.  I know the answer is *right there* but having it publicly splashed would be

now you understand why I want to move the fuck out of this country.  I’m tired of easily startled and distracted dunces having enough power to make policy for the rest of us.  This place is a dysfunctional cesspool and in 48 hours I *may* have witnessed the final straw (for me at least).

now you understand why I want to move the fuck out of this country.  I’m tired of easily startled and distracted dunces having enough power to make policy for the rest of us.  This place is a dysfunctional cesspool and in 48 hours I *may* have witnessed the final straw (for me at least).

can we encourage a handful of these ex-Twitter employees to make a new platform that automatically deletes any mention of T***p, Musk, or Kanye West? Because fucking Christ almighty am I exhausted hearing about these assholes endlessly.

Kanye West just said, hold my dose of lithium carbonate that I should be taking but won’t because fuck pharmacology LOL.

I have news for you—in that analogy, he’d just stuff that shit back up the ass of the nearest woke leftist and blame it on him/her LOL. As with all dumbshit fascists who fuck up publicly, he’ll happily and immediately take all the credit for the wins and deflect all the blame to everyone else.

you had a good outcome (I have been out of work post-layoffs for over a year on two occasions in the past) but many people won’t so I suspect a few will have to swallow their pride and go slinking back, however I hope they all tell him and Twitter to go fuck themselves.

you had a good outcome (I have been out of work post-layoffs for over a year on two occasions in the past) but many people won’t so I suspect a few will have to swallow their pride and go slinking back, however I hope they all tell him and Twitter to go fuck themselves.

this was inevitable, you can’t lay off 50% of a workforce and NOT make some cuts that MUST be undone, also he is a fucking moron who thinks he’s a genius and is too busy overdosing on this attention overload to not think through his idiotic layoff flex that it *might* be a bad idea.  May Twitter and Musk drag each

has anyone confirmed whether Musk is a secret majority shareholder of Tribel or Mastodon? I’m only partially joking.  (and for the hundredth fucking time NO I am not willing to “swing by and check out” Tribel, I want *less* Twitters in my life, not *more* LOL)

what’s the over/under on “number of days before Musk magnanimously declares ‘yeah I meant to destroy Twitter, try to keep up everyone, I fucking hated it, you’re welcome everyone’”? Before EOY? Before Thanksgiving? Before Friday? LOL

out of the entire shitty gumbo that is this situation, to me the most solid proof of his colossal megalomaniacal idiocy is threatening to “name and shame” any Twitter advertisers thinking of leaving. Wow. Just wow.  I would say “read the room dumbass” but nah, keep doing what you’re doing, you’re kicking ass!  LOL

thanks to all 7 of you (and counting) for unequivocally proving my point. You can’t see it but I’m applauding you. LOL

anyone want to set the over/under on “how long before he snarkily does a ‘trans’ joke in his monologue”? If there has to be a traditional post-election host why not Tom Hanks? Why have an A level troll host instead of someone who can muster up the acting ability to believably tell us it will be alright?

if it siphons just enough support from DeShithead to ensure neither of them wins, this could be the best thing to happen to democracy, not just in America but maybe the world; first T***p loses, then Bolsonaro last week, then possibly T***p AND DeShithead? The GQP has always managed in the past to come together and get