
Narrator: it wasn’t.

isn’t “persecuted victim and warrior champion” the inexplicable paradox of the modern conservative dipshit?  I don’t get it but then I’ve grown to think of cognitive dissonance as a force of nature.

“oh he’ll never win, but I love how he’s just taking the whole party down with him.”

I would 150% watch that. (hopefully a road trip to extract Vanessa from her icebox from last movie LOL)

I know this is so NOT the point of this idiotic exercise, but I wish the cultists could point to one kinda/sorta substantive piece of evidence to indicate the 2020 election was stolen (other than “T***p lost by a wide margin” which I chalk up to a bunch of Americans coming to their senses finally, and not a vast

make that piece of shit Brett Favre and his white asshole buddies pay for it LOL

I remember watching Casino Royale and thinking holy shit, they have a Bond who looks like he could actually kill someone in a fight LOL.  Moore always wore those high-waisted pants and seemed afraid of chipping a nail.  (Still loved the Spy who Loved Me though.)

but he’s funny and inappropriate, and I need way more funny and inappropriate content in my life after the last ~6 years.

I feel like they could fill most of a movie with just Wolverine and Deadpool (i.e. Jackman and Reynolds) riffing with each other, and more importantly I and many others would pay our $16 to watch it, so why not go all the way and make it more than a cameo?

if she can do anything as great as that Friday Night Lights parody or “Last Fuckable Day” then it’ll be great to have her back.  After 6 years out of the game and a kid I’d be surprised if she can attain those heights again.

I feel like even before t***p was president and he’d go on Letterman to let Dave mock him, even Dave had a hard time pulling that off (despite the fact that he was a willing participant; even then he was like a child so pathetically desperate for attention that he’d settle for negative attention over no attention).

he “leapt with joy” over the prospect of t***p running?  Why?  I don’t remember that at all, in fact I’m still puzzled why “famed political satirist” Jon Stewart fled the Daily Show just as Dipshit came into office and left us with Trevor Noah.

honestly the way people fell under his cult spell so easily was the most disheartening aspect of the last 6 years to me. I mean, they couldn’t jump into bed fast enough with that piece of shit, AND were peacock proud of it, and just to own the libs a bit more, vacillated between mocking *you* for not doing it AND

not that I am aware of; plus I never said Americans are MORE susceptible to cultism, only that Americans seem surprisingly susceptible to cults, but once the hive mind misread my comment they’ve been jumping on me for it ever since LOL. Other countries could have a much worse problem than us but I live in the US and

didn’t they do much the same thing to Messi and/or Neymar (although having your non-accountant/non-lawyer father handle your finances like Messi did wasn’t smart either)?

I can confirm that in the past the “self esteem” movement was directed at all genders, because that’s more or less what my parents did to me (a male LOL).  It wasn’t “you’re beautiful” but “you’re smart, you’re good looking, etc.”, all stuff which as a parent you feel is true about your kids, or at least is stuff

true, but the average cult leader (e.g. Keith Raniere) is almost always a nebbish who is extremely good at baffling people with bullshit (esp. people who are or who *think* they are intelligent and could NEVER be tricked), i.e. not the Fortune 500/celebrity type you’d *think* would be a cult leader, and that’s the

I never said that LOL, I know Scientology has a worldwide following, but for such an awesome place, America sure does have a lot of people willing to worship mediocre con artists in order to feel important.

he’s the fucking Attorney General of one of the largest states in the country—did he think he could dodge the process server forever? Give me a fucking break.

he clearly thought the process server was a remnant of the migrant horde that was headed for the Texas border back in 2018 but then suddenly vanished the day after midterms LOL.