Dan W

I saw it as there are three of us here. And you would get your ass kicked out there but you can pilot. Here’s a spot you can fit in. ALso he was reluctant to take the role. It had to be forced on him. And he still deferred to shuri the entire time.

Hell, that is clearly Bucky O’Hare at the far right.

I feel like I’m the only person on the internet in between “BEST STAR WARS MOVIE EVER” and “WHAT A GIANT PIECE OF SHIT”. I think it’s a middle Star Wars. Better than Eps. I and II, probably about as good as III or VI.

Look what Game of Thrones has done to us, man.

I feel like Century rain was almost written to become a TV show. The genre mixing seems exactly like the kind of idea that could pull in a very diverse audience (e.g. I could see my wife loving big parts of it).

Pushing Ice is good, but question: Did you like any of the characters? By the end I routed for no one.

They should go the full twisted and adapt Diamond Dogs.


It’s even better the more I think about it. Because everyone else is dealing with a traumatic incident that ruined lives and killed Nancy’s friend. But for Steve, S1 was about his fractured relationship that he fixed when he hit a monster with a Spike-Bat. Now he’s pretending to mourn for Barb, a girl he doesn’t care

I hate that Nancy ended up with Jonathan. I was impressed last season when they avoided that cliche only to run head first into it this year.

Because it’s really not. Heath Ledger was very good in it, but the movie itself (like so much of Nolan’s work) is a poorly written, poorly paced, pretentious slog.

Batman Begins started the trend and is a far better movie.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people liked and went to see The Dark Knight.

Those Black Panther costumes - just WOW! The colours, the textures - utterly beautiful.

Or this:

Well, now other people can see that, too. :p

His appearance changed everything for tabletop RPG lovers. The greatest bard... ever. :p

I couldn’t find a gif of that, but I found this, which is...GOOD.

BK Knights or get the fuck out.