Al's Ho Fiesta

There’s something harmonious about a team and some of it’s player all being choke artists. 

Pittsburgh fans: “Horseshit!”

I watched some guy in a Chargers jersey in an adjacent back yard play cornhole — by himself — for the entire second half of the LAC/NE Divisional game last January. It depressed the hell out of me, and I’m a Patriots fan.

But James Washington texted me, called me, talked to me in person, thanking me for that. And so the outside world was killing me for it; he thanked me and that’s all that really mattered. 

“Jerry is just like every other rich asshole owner who prizes belonging more than actually winning, who believes that who you know justifies what you do, and who thinks projecting an aura of excellence creates excellence.”

The most racist native people lived on the land now called “Indiana." A lot of people don't know that.

this made me laugh, then immediately sad.

I don’t think the Bucs would give up that much just to get rid of Winston.

Wow, prime examples of the Sunk Cost Fallacy and Stockholm Syndrome at the same time!

You should take the midnight train going anywhere...

I mean, I’m pretty sure a bigger reason is that the Pats won it 15 years ago.

Indy to Luck: Tanks For Nothing

Jim Irsay: this is a tough pill to swallow.

I thought this guy was all about avoiding nightshades?

It started with her saying it’d be a nice thing for me to do for her going-away.

Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people

I wonder how well the Seattle Cobains could run a shotgun formation

Thatswati Thudd.

Baltimore resents DC all the time and D.C. isn’t even that cool.”

Why is the President going to the maternity ward at a Pittsburgh hospital?