
You can't really take the Wii U controller outside of your living room...

Kotaku, it would help your reputation as a more credible source if you minimized the sensationalism and emphasized how this change is mandated by the AACS Final Adopter Agreement, leaving Sony with no real choice.

Question: does Halo Anniversary include all of the extras that the PC version added? Like Flamethrowers and new maps?

If you lay down the $10 for Flower I strongly believe it will keep you occupied for more than an hour. Your first playthrough will probably take 2-3 hours. It's not all "happy happy sunshine". Flower is very poetic, and there is catharsis near the end. There's a big reason they don't show certain levels in trailers.


Now playing

Here's your basis. Decide whether you will enjoy the game based on what Jenova Chen describes in this video.

Now playing

Inevitably there will be people who don't "Get it" even after watching gameplay.

They tried using the right analog for the camera.

Hahaha very well done.

Does it matter?

A PC version is already confirmed, and coming in a few months. PS3, we still haven't heard official word about but it looks likely too.

NoA step your freaking game up. You're being thoroughly outclassed.

God willed it.

and now for some iterations of the iconic PS logo. You can see it originating as quite similar to the Super Famicon logo (bear in mind the original venture between Nintendo+Sony that almost resulted in a SNES CD), and then rapidly evolving into something very different.

Yet even more, with some console prototypes too.


Another iteration.