
They don't care. Sensationalism gets mad hits, bro.

Kotaku, do you have bad memory? You guys posted the same video, months ago.

I'm not sure on this, but Malstromian theory has taught me Nintendo seeks to avoid designing consoles that are essentially dumbed-down PCs.

I think I'm more impressed by the SNES's game library.

They didn't want to lose massive royalties to Sony back when the two were co-developing the SNES's CD expansion.

You won't hear a price from Nintendo @ E3 this year. Too soon.

It's gonna be a while before we see SMG2 with MSRP this low.

There are always people holding out.

Didn't I just say I don't think she should be likened to a sex symbol?

It wasn't spoilery until you opened your big mouth.

I'd argue "sex symbol" is pushing it, as Valve is particularly modest relative to the standards in this industry...

"Update: Sony Online Entertainment has issued a notification assuring customers that current credit card information has not been compromised. "There is no evidence that our main credit card database was compromised. It is in a completely separate and secured environment.""

No seriously, WHAT does this have to do with gaming? Blurring lines? What?

Goddamn, Obama looks serious as fuck.

Odds for being bought-out?

I should've known.

Terms of Service, friend. I agreed to them for my PS3. I can deal with it.

For fuck's sake this needs to stop. No one cares that you little children aren't being allowed to pirate games endlessly. Get a job, a real job, and grow up.

Okay but you said "most people only know of ATLUS (studio) because of Dot Heroes (game) or Lunar (game).