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    This is incredible.

    Gotcha. Thanks!

    Can someone explain how this is really any more effective or efficient than just launching a few guided missiles at a ship? I get that the railgun packs more punch, but at the end of the day, missiles ought to do the job just fine, no?

    I was already probably about to purchase this game and now I definitely 100% WILL.

    God they are such stubborn fuckbois man.


    There are definitely both.

    I dunno, I never have a mic handy anyway when I play multiplayer stuff. I usually mute anyone who does because they are attempting to DJ songs over their microphone or some such nonsense. Not talking in multiplayer is kind of ... nice? For me, at least.


    So why not just use mo-cap on the main crew in MEA? Don’t have to use it for the hundreds of NPCs, but at least get up to Witcher standards with your main crew.

    I’m just saying, Nintendo charges you $70 for a pro controller with way less functionality than a less expensive DS4 or XB1 controller. 1-2 Switch is a criminal $50. Nintendo makes you buy multiple versions of eShop titles. It may ultimately be a publisher’s decision like you say, but Nintendo has a long history of

    I think it’s actually extremely clear: because Nintendo.


    This is a tricky one, but Evil Dead 2 is funny as hell despite the original Evil Dead not being a comedy. You could also say that Evil Dead 2 was the comedy and Army of Darkness was the sequel, and there’s SORT OF a case that AoD is funnier than ED2.

    Fuck you, guy.


    Hey video games? Chill for a second maybe?

    This guarantees that I’ll play Destiny 2. As a newcomer to the series, if shit carried over, I’d most likely be like “nah”.

    Not at all an illegal traffic move. A bad one, but not illegal. Did not warrant a stop in any way.

    This game is impossible to communicate in these videos and they need to stop releasing them. It’s gonna be a great game, but these videos are not helping their cause.