And I'm sure you'd feel the same if you spent 10 years there without a trial. Right?
And I'm sure you'd feel the same if you spent 10 years there without a trial. Right?
Please can the cops who let him go all come on TV to pat each other in the back, Massachusetts-style.
She went to Jared!!!!
My God, Rosie O'Donnell has seriously let herself go. She looks awful, just awful.
Cooper acknowledged that because of the fine, he'd have to operate on a tight budget this year, but he "wouldn't become niggardly".
While Cooper admited to having consumed alcohol, he refused to acknowledge that he was "black out" drunk, explaining that his racist beliefs wouldn't allow for that.
Later, at the Eagles practice facility: "I will apologize to every nigger here."
Anna was originally charged with a hit, but it was later ruled an error.
I never claimed to be a professional pilot. That said, my analysis is based on the evidence shown and my general knowledge of flight mechanics etc. Not to mention my time spent with family members on flights, in proper simulators, and the like. Much more informed and logical than the crap from the major news…
100% pilot error. He opted for a visual approach (confirmed via ATC) and ended up way short of the runway. He then flared to extend the approach a bit but lost speed and struck the tail WAY short of the lines. Pilot botched his landing BAD.
Fuck! The White House Correspondent's Dinner!
Obama and Ortiz both have five letters in their last names! Do I need to remind everybody who had five fingers on each of his hands? HITLER.
Meanwhile in Iraq, if you're blown up shopping for bread you're shit out of luck. But freedom!
You are absolutely correct, but in my defense I'm an idiot.
Your move Mr. Kraft
jesus christ.
god bless phil hartman. totally irreplaceable .