Really? What should the penalty be for people who are too fucking dumb to scroll down?
You disappoint me. I thought you would have shown up earlier.
I did put the answers, do you not see them?
Sorry, I ran out to get some Popeye’s.
Here’s a couple gleaned from my 30 years driving rock stars around.
You're funny! And they say youth is wasted on the young!
Says who? You?
I know, right? She should just sit at home, play X-Box all day, and then just marry the son of one of Daddy's rich friends, no?
Again. I wish Gawker Media would show this much love to Getting On, the most brilliant show no one's watching.
Keep waiting or move to England.
"If it was up to me I'd cancel the F-35 and start building more Raptors."
Awfully long article when the answer is as long as those fucks keep making us money, who the fuck cares if they slap their women around.
My friend, Marty Walsh did not sell out when he became Mayor. He was bought and paid for the minute he announced he was running. The man is completely owned by the trade unions that put him in office.
Interesting. Dunham hires people who specialize in lying to the world about their clients to prop up her fading career. Seem to me that truly talented people have no need to do that and Dunham's fifteen minutes are up, as evidenced by her show's lowest rated debut this season.
I don't even like sports, but that was fucking funny.
Paterno was the ultimate in scum, far worse in some ways than Sandusky. Further proof of the moral decay of this country can be found in the people who defend anything this monster touched. The cover up was not just confined to two men, it was systemic and as Olbermann pointed out, all in the name of football.