
Just because a lot of people like something, doesn’t mean it isn’t stupid.

So... They're fake. 

It wasn’t a navigation app, but I used to have a speedometer app that had a built-in HUD mode. I’m a little surprised it isn’t more prevalent 

Silly exhaust trick. But the sound coming out sucks anyway.

The drone thing is an amusing idea, but a liability nightmare. As for HUDs, I’m surprised navigation apps having a ‘HUD mode’ isn’t already a thing... Dash mount the phone at the right angle to reflect off the windshield, add a patch of reflective window tint film in the right spot, and you’ve got the conditions for a

Having electric seats without memory is THE WORST.  Slow to adjust, and you have to adjust them yourself all the time.  If it doesn’t have memory, just give me the quick manual controls.

This is another truck I’ve been lusting after on Craigslist, but unfortunately they’ve all rusted and returned back to the earth.

Man, back in middle school I wore this movie out. Like everyday during summer break, and I knew I wanted my first car to be a Dodge Ram.

a lot more greenhouse gas emissions.  yay, just what we need to throw away our money on

Kirk wasn’t even a womanizer. There’s this wild misperception that he rolls in and bangs any alien woman he meets, but in reality, throughout the entirety of what we see of Kirk, he is generally avoiding women’s advances, using his wiles to defend his ship and his mission, or generally being a decent guy. And this was

Isn’t saying “those fans aren’t real fans”... one of the things people accuse toxic fans of doing?

This. TOS gets a lot of grief but the fact is, next to most other shows of the decade, it was damn progressive, both in its casting and its scripts. Let’s not let perfect be the enemy of good. For the ‘60s, it was good.

The primary victims of Scientology are Scientologists (particularly of the non-celebrity variety). Celebrity Scientologists maybe encourage mere mortals to join their cult and so are worth criticizing on that regard. But the victims of anti-vaxxers are *everyone*. So 1000x worse.

But if anything TOS was far more progressive in its time than TNG was in its. Yes, you can point out the Orion slave girls, the miniskirts female crew wore, and the womanizing done by Kirk, but the fact that TOS showed a multiracial crew working together was huge at the time. Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) wanted to leave

It’s subtle, maybe a little too subtle... or maybe it’s just cause the previous one was so over the top. The only thing I don’t like is that spoiler, which looks like something picked up from a chain auto parts store and stuck in an awkward location on the back. Otherwise, I like it.

Isn’t it a little early in the post for no true Scotsman?

Though with Voyager, it’s now largely looped around the other way, and anyone who suggests Janeway is anything less than an utterly flawless captain gets accused of hating women.

A sign of the times. TOS was still very progressive for its time.

Is it pretty universally acknowledged that GoT got bad in the last few seasons though?

Sadly, you can be diverse and still treat women like sex objects.