The UK gallon is irrelevant as neither you or I are from the UK. Everyone else uses the metric system.
The UK gallon is irrelevant as neither you or I are from the UK. Everyone else uses the metric system.
The 90s where bleak? I'd argue it was a much better time for enthusiasts than the last ten years.
A lot has improved. Absolutely. Still though, the US is lagging behind in this context. Quite a lot. In my humble perspective this is caused by a lack of incentive.
Worth also bearing in mind that the US has probably the cheapest fuel costs in the western world
Obviously these cars are simply junk, they won’t even work as parts cars and you clearly meant this as a joke.
I live in Germany and am writing this from Munich, so I’m quite familiar with German politics, thank you very much.
The Panda will never work in the US. It’s the car the Fiat 500 (the small one) is based on. It’s one size below subcompact. It’s utterly tiny. Practical though, for its size. Cheap too and rather dated.
To keep this Jalopnik related: I guess it’s like an old car. If you throw enough money at it, you can keep it running for many decades and millions of miles. If you throw even more money at it, it might even keep running well and remain being safe to drive.
The world was a different place, not even that long ago. Relatively speaking, continuing using these nuclear plants seemed high risk, gas low risk.
Their nuclear reactors are tired and not insurable any more. The owners want to shut them down as well.
I agree, the dash from the EV in the article simply does not fit the exterior and those wheels are a hard no as well. The boring black paint is not doing it any favors either. The seats are’t bad but could have a more classic optic, but the section in between with the arm rest just does not fit the car at all.
For the price of gas, it doesn’t really matter where the US gets its oil from. Simplified: Your gas prices are based on oil prices, and oil prices are determined internationally.
Plus, it was described as a ‘brick’. Having the same drag coefficient as a brick is not overly impressive.
Most of the price of gas is tax, which is a fixed amount per liter. VAT excluded. So, if the US gas price increases $1 before taxes due to increasing oil cost, then the price in Europe will increase roughly $1 + VAT = roughly $1.20.
Meh, it’s around $9 a gallon (translated to USD, US gallons) here. Nobody drives any less.
The size of the US is kind of moot in this discussion. I guess we all burn most gas while commuting. You don’t commute to the other side of the country.
The Vauxhall suggestion is a rather ignorant one. It has zero unique cars. It’s just a badge, a badge with a lot of heritage. If you kill it, you have to replace it with an international badge (Opel) which has almost zero name recognition in the UK.
Burning fossil fuels in brand new cars is dead/dying. New cars are boring anyway. Combustion engine + excitement -> classic car, or at least something that has already been built.