You’re absolutely right. There is a lot of hypocracy going on. I am far from a saint myself as well. I don’t think we should be overly judgemental of others.
There is the immature “why can’t everyone buy what I liiiiiiiiike?” argument. I see this argument as being similar to people not liking the paint color that you or I chose for our vehicles. It’s my choice, and it has zero effect on others. Suck it up. So you’re right in that respect.
The key part is actually about it being a ‘Wasserschutzgebiet’. Literally: water-protection-area. It is not really about the trees; I could be wrong but I believe it’s a production forest, where the trees are supposed to be cut down (and replaced!) every few decades.
Have you tried marketing your 3D printed ducts? Make a nice youtube video with your results while using the word amaaaazing often, print a few more and offer them on eBay.
4th Gear: It has been suspected that some of the ‘environmental groups’ that are protesting Tesla and their new facility are actually just shills for the incumbent German auto companies and the goal is to delay Tesla for as long as possible to buy them time.
I think it was in the 90s where there was a major campaign to restore several monuments damaged by diesel particles.
YOu won’t pass inspection when your beams aren’t aimed propery. At least, in multiple European countries.
Well, degradation comes from usage and time. This third battery proved the usage use case (for n=1), but not the time one. What happens to 10 year old vehicles with average yearly mileage? And 15 year old vehicles?
I hope it will not be like that Hyundai. Can we please stop with those stupid pops and crackles? I’d like to be able to drive a car like this as an adult, without looking and feeling like a tool.
I respect your opinion, I really do. But opinions are subjective. I’ve tried multiple cars of which ‘the internet’ claimed the automatic gearboxes were better than manuals. And while driving them, I understood where they were coming from. These gearboxes were nothing like the automics of old. However, I simply kept…
Not being from the US nor the UK, whenever I hear the word ‘truck’ I think of what you call a semi. We don’t really get the lifestyle ‘trucks’ like the F150 here, so there’s little confusion. Work related pickup trucks with those sides that fold down are somewhat frequent, and they’re typically called ‘pickup’ or…
I still don’t understand why you guys haven’t simply adopted the metric system. Like a century ago. The current generation needs to adapt a bit, I understand that this can be hard, but the next generations will thank you for it.
Or when they start talking about feet or fingers or ounces or pounds or gallons. It all sounds made up.
When Do You Know It’s Time To Part Ways With Your Car?
The RAV4 in Europe is very much a designed-for-a-different-continent kind of car. It’s too big and clumsy looking, mostly, while being homely at the same time. It’s expensive to run without being a ‘nice’ car. You can lease an Audi crossover for a minor monthly premium, so why get the Toyota? ‘Large’ non-premium…
Canada did not take the lead on this. There are multiple countries where this has been mandated ages ago.
I guess it’s layer of very cheap humor masking some mild racism.
This is a fairly large car by Euro standards