
Exactly. It looks like a whale. Would that make this a slender whale? There is nothing slender about it.

It's the same size and with the i6 gets the same mileage as a minivan, because the X7 *is* a minivan. It only lacks the sliding doors.

Mid 70s until early 80s pre-facelift Citroën CX

No, the German VAT is exactly 19%. Less for food if I’m not mistaken. It’s similar in most western European countries.

This is a segment larger than a Transit Connect though. The transit connect is similar to the one on the left. The van in the video is the one in the middle.

They note it’s only 1700 lbs. This is a work van. Even the standard version has a payload capacity higher marginally than this.

It’s not cramped at all. Not hard to get out of either. At least not for someone my length. It’s not low, the door is not small and given the early 80s design (read: not a lot of safety material) the amount of interior space is much better than what you expect from the outside dimensions.

Exactly. It’s not exactly a Corolla (and that’s a good thing), but if you get one that has not been neglected it is reliable and for the era it’s very well protected against rust. Mechanical parts are easy to find as well and not expensive. It is not like 80s (and before) Alfa ownership.

I own both. Well, a 205 cti and a 406 coupe. The 205 is way more fun to drive. There is no comparison. The 406 is a great cruiser and will run forever (mine has 365k on the odometer), but it's also 50% heavier than the 205. In the 205 I have an instant smile on my face.

Well, the 309 gti 16V is arguably the best hot hatch of the 80s and very early 90s, and more fun to drive than almost everything available today. Certainly if the 2020 has a usable back seat. So there sure is a reason to lust after one.

Why would it be awkward to climb out of a 205? I am 1.88 m (6'3" in legacy units?) and I have no problem at all. Even the back seat is usable for someone my length, for shorter trips.

No idea what the market for these is like in the US at this point. What I do know is that this seems to be a very clean example of a (somewhat) classic car that is fun to drive and mildly collectable. It’s probably worth it to someone.

The engine too. To install something more powerful and more modern is fine, the original had something like 66 hp? But a Corvette motor in a farm tractor? No thank you.

It’s a bit of a hyperbole. But just look at other countries for inspiration. There are lots of different ways to tackle this. There are many countries where lower wage people have a better quality of life than in the US and manage to deal with higher fuel costs just fine. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel from

Over 100k in some countries, with the V8 that is. In the Netherlands the gas guzzler tax alone on a V8 manual Camaro was €70k ($77k) in 2019.

I mentioned that though. Lower the income tax for the lower wages to compensate.

Neutral: Do You Even Care About Fuel Efficiency Standards?

Which is a good thing. Most of his Hollywood films have aged well. Just skip Hollow Man. Show Girls is, well, not for everyone. I like the rest though.

Not being American I find it very odd that these are sold off lots in the US. For some kind of generic high volume crossover this dated sales model is acceptable, but with such an expensive car? Elsewhere these are built to order, and in a highly personalized way at that. At this price point you don’t expect compromise

This might motivate Mexico to pay for that wall.